Monday, October 26, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears?

I have decided to do a "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?" section for blog followers, one in particular (Spamma).

18 Wheeler drivers. These guys are freakin crazy... I was on my way back from knoxville today for reasons i wont say and these assholes think they are Gods gift to the damn road. What they do is get right in front of you to pass another big rig which is going even slower. Then they just kind of linger there going 10 miles under the speed limit while a line of cars builds up behind them. Hey, I have got somewhere to go buddy is what I tell them, but are they listening... nope. There are up there on their high horse all meth-ed out with no teeth and they look down on you like they are mad your passing them. HEY your going like fifteen miles an hour on the high way big shot why don't you turn your ugly face away from my car.

Thats what really grinds my gears.


  1. I know they will never stay in the lanes they are supposed to and never go the right speed limit. You have to speed past them so you dont get swiped or get pushed away. They scare me every time.

  2. I completely agree with you. 18 wheelers have their own designated lane and should stay there all the time. If they dont they only thing they accomplish is building up traffic.

  3. The thing that really scares me about 18 wheelers is the fact that they could have a blowout at any time. And after seeing the mythbusters episode about the 18 wheelers wheels killing people, it freaks me out.

  4. I hate 18 Wheelers with a passion. I once overheard a driver talking about how America would fold up and die if truckers decided to strike, and that they would if "we" kept enforcing low speeding limits. Ahem. How dare we?!
