Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What if #10

What if we were able to use hemp to make everyday products?

The only reason hemp is not allowed to be used is because it is made from marijuana plants. Honestly, there are numerous uses for the hemp plant besides drug use. Most if not all of the uses would greatly improve our lifestyle and help the enviornment. It is a soft durable fiber that can last much longer than regular paper made from trees. Hemp paper does not need chlorine bleach, which pollutes rivers and kills fish and other aquatic life. Hemp paper is also stronger and longer lasting. Hemp can be used as a high amino acid and other essential fatty acid food. Hemp has more nutritional value than even soybeans.
Hemp is a possible alternative for petroleum fuel because it can be made into a non toxic diesel fuel. Many clothing, textiles, paints, and cleaners can be made and used from the hemp plant all of which are higher quality than the kind we use now. Apparently, 1 acre of hemp is equal to 4.1 acres of trees. I am no tree hugger or anything, but I cant find a reason as to why it would be bad to save trees and cut down hemp for use instead. The legalization of hemp production would greatly help our economy and our enviornment.

what if #9

What if Earth was no longer habitable by humans and we were forced to move into space?

This is assuming we would have the technology of course... There would most likely be a lot of death. We would not be able to bring every human being to a different planet at one time; there are simply too many people. The people that did notmake it on the first fleet out would probably perrish in the newly uninhabitable atmosphere of the earth. As for the survivors, we would probably be on a long journey. If it was to the moon it would probably be a couple months, but if we were to try to inhabit another planet, it would take years to reach it. Because of this, we would have to have years of food for millions of people onboard the ship as well. That would weigh down the ships and make it unsafe to travel. They would have to make a ship to be exclusively a food distributor to all the other ships. Whenever the other ships needed food, The food carrier ship would dock up to the human transport ship and unload a lot of food for a week or so. Once we reached toe other planet, There would have to be a human friendly biosphere that was self sustaining already in place. We would need food to already be growing so that we wouldnt have to wait months before we had fresh food again. It would be a very difficult process.

What if #8

What if you woke up one morning and forgot how to speak and write?

First off, things would be very difficult for you to relay that you had not idea how to communicate. People would get frustrated with youbecause they would probably think that you were just messing around with them and they wouls start to get annoyed. Once you let the house, you would not be able to interact with anybody at all. You could not even make a simple food order at a fast food place. If this were to happpen to me, I would have a magazine with me at all times so I could cut out or hilight words to relay a message.
Even then though you would not be able to complete any school work or be able to do much at your job. The ability to communicate is how every animal on this planet has survived and flourished. It is because animals have been able to work together as a team by communicating that they have evolved into what they are today.