Monday, November 9, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears?

messy roommates...

I have recently moved in with a couple of my buddies from high school. We live in a house just off campus. I have known these two for four years, and I thought we would have a great time. After the first few weeks it was great and I didn't really care if something bothered me. After a few months of living with it I am beginning to go crazy. Is it really that difficult to clean up after yourself? I mean you can leave one or two dishes in the sink, but if you never clean them up then they pile up and begin to stink. Then I cant use the sink when I need it and I have to end up cleaning it for him. Then when i tell him to clean up after himself he just tells me that i'm bitching at him. I am about ready to knock his face in. Obviously he was just raised in a messy house and likes to live in a pig sty, I don't know. All I know is that once my room began to smell like mildew and ass I would start to realize what a damn slob I am. I would probably feel bad if my roommate constantly cleaned up after me, but that is just me, maybe I am just a nice guy. Next time the dishes start to pile up in the sink you can bet they will make it to his bed so I can use tha damn sink. I could go on for days, but I am done for the week.


  1. I am sorry that you live with slobs. You ahould just clean up after yourself and leave all of your roommates garbage and chores for him to do. If that still doesnt get his attention start putting everything in his room, so that his stuff is now his problem. I bet he will clean it up then.

  2. i hate you peter because everytime im about to write a blog on something you take my ideas so it looks like a cheated haha.

  3. Alex, there's nothing new under the sun. Write away. I think pretty much everyone has a "bad roommate" story.
