Thursday, September 17, 2009

When I first watched the short movie "A Typical Conversation with my Mother" in class, i noticed all the things that people notice when they are just watching and not really observing. But each time I watched it I noticed more and more. The difference when I watched it at home was that I started to relate things being said in the clip to things that happen to me in real life. For example, my mom likes to put celery in her tuna fish and she constantly does it when I have told her I hate celery being in there. When the mother comments about getting a jacket for later I immediately thought of how my mom gets cold very easily and never forgets to bring jacket if we are going out, even in the summer. When I was home watching it with my eyes closed, I began to visualize what was happening on the screen at the time the words were playing. I could see the pictures in my head that went along with that part of the movie. In class I was too involved in writing things down and trying to pick out small details to actually listen the way I did at my house.

1 comment:

  1. This activity really stressed how important some of our senses can be. Hearing versus seeing can give off different perspectives on a situation such as this video clip.
