Monday, September 7, 2009


1. The last difficult writing assignment that I had to write was due in December of my senior year. It was a seven page research paper on an unsolved mystery and i picked the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. It was assigned in late October and was due in early December so we had a lot of time to finish it.

2. After receiving the assignment i had to pick a topic to write on. Once I picked the Bermuda Triangle, I had to find sources, pick what I was going to use from those sources, and paraphrase them so i wouldn't be plagiarizing. I was writing because i needed a good grade and my intended reader was my english teacher and a few classmates that had to proofread my paper.


1. split, rounding, trailed, picked, chased, smashed, entered, ran, coming, wound, chased, glanced, pounding, fling, point, chasing, impelled, compelled, tore, running, discovering, caught.

2. considered, entered, fling, point, find, slow, discovering,

3. The air was cold; every breath tore my throat.
We kept running..., running a frantic course and choosing it simultaneously.


1. "He was in city clothes: a suit and tie, street shoes."
"He was a tall thin man, all action."
"...a man in his twenties"
"The man's lower pants legs were wet... cuffs were full of snow, there was a prow of snow beneath them on his shoes and socks."
"... driver of the black Buick."
"sainted, skinny, furious redheaded man..."

2. He doesn't seem to really be mad once he catches them. He simply says "you stupid kids" in his Pittsburgh accent.

3. I see a middle aged man who seems very angry with the children but seems to get out his anger during the chase. He ends up a long distance from his car soaked with snow.

1. perfectly white snow, perfectly spherical, and squeezed perfectly translucent.

2. I can really identify with the comparison of "every breath tore my throat" because for off season baseball practice we would have to run in the freezing cold with every breath feeling like ice.

pg. 25

1. She makes it seem as if the chase and chewing out wasn't really worth the crime and the man was only chewing them out because he really had nothing else to do at that point or he would look stupid.

2. "I wanted the glory to last forever"

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