Thursday, September 17, 2009

So, in class today we forced Bobby and Elliot to sit face to face and have a conversation with each other while we all watched and took notes on what they were saying. Right off the bat you could tell that Elliot was extremely uncomfortable and I felt bad because I would have been too. Before long, Bobby was feeling quite anxious himself and began to look around the room. I have to hand it to Bobby he handled the pressure well and kept the conversation going even while Elliot was a bit unresponsive and answering his questions with one word answers. Of course eventually, everybody runs out of things to say if the other person is giving them nothing to feed off of. When the whole class was feeling bad for the two of them (or maybe it was the boredom), a few willing individuals began to talk to the two of them sitting in the middle of the room. I kept out of it to keep observing. The worst part was that I wanted to talk and add on to their conversation because the topics brought up had some potential, and I had some personal experiences that I wanted to throw in.

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