Thursday, February 25, 2010

What if #6

What if human cultures did not advance past the lifestyle we lived in the paleolithic or neolithic age? In the paleolithic age, we were strictly hunter gatherers. During the neolithic, we used agriculture to support ourselves with little or no surplus. Over the millennia, humans have gotten overly dependent on others and extremely lazy. If right now, farmers stopped producing surplus and only grew food for themselves and their families, I guarantee that a huge amount of the world population would starve to death within the month. Only people who were self-reliant and could actually fend for themselves in the wild would be able to survive. The hunters, fisherman, and farmers would be the only people that could survive. It is extremely annoying. The human race will never experience a divine apocalypse because we are going to kill ourselves. By the time we are done with this planet, there will be no green left on the earth, and we will have been taken over by robots. People say that God wants us to use our talents so we do not waste them. I think that may be true to an extent, but if we use our talents to develop technology that destroys the earth little by little, I do not think God appreciates such talent. Thank God I am fortunate enough to not be alive when the human race self destructs. I am happy that I know of places where I can escape the industrialization, development, and destruction of the planet. How long will I be able to escape it though? How long until the wild that I escape to turns into cities?

1 comment:

  1. well that would obviously suck because this day in age we are so use to the technologies that we are presented such as cell phones and computers.
