Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What if #4

What if our marriages, jobs, and lives were decided by our parents at birth like back in native american times? Would people generally be happier or more unhappy? In my opinion, such practices would lead to less stressful lives. People would not have to worry about finding the right spouse, the right job, or the right pay. It would all be decided by our parents, and would most likely be what our parents did. Instead of attending classes for 17 to 21 years, we would be masters of a craft by the age of eighteen. We would be fully competent in our profession because we would be learning to do exactly what we would be doing for the rest of our lives for fifteen years. We would not be learning information that did not pertain to our craft and we would therefore be able to achieve mastery at a much earlier age. We would not have to spend a couple of introductory years mastering the craft out of college either. We would have greater lifetime earnings because of the supplementary time of work and apprenticeship. Overall, it may be a good idea. Also, i heard recently that in cultures where mirages are still arranged, there is less divorce... ponder on that for a bit

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