Monday, December 7, 2009


I cannot wait until it actually snows in Memphis. We need more than one day of snow too because that is cheating. All my friends up in Knoxville and Chattanooga have been talking about how they have been walking to class in the snow and throwing snowballs and just having a gay ole time. I want to walk to class in the snow and possibly get a couple of snow days. That would be real cool. I know as soon as january and february roll around we will get some weak frost and some snow that will not stick. When we do have snow that does stick, it turns into ice and sucks real bad because ice balls hurt. I'm moving to Canada for the winter.


  1. Yeah, it is not going to snow here. There is a magical ring that surround Memphis that does not allow it to snow here. I remember one year where it snowed in every county surrounding us, but not at all in Shelby County. I was expecting to get out of a test, but I awoke the next morning to freezing rain... I had to take my test.

  2. Wow! The negativity radiates! lol

    I think it will snow, especially since it snowed in Louisiana this week. I love the snow. The most snow I have ever seen is when I went snow skiing in West Virginia. It was beautiful!

  3. Snow is the bomb in memphis. It is so much fun when we actually get a decent one. Last year was pretty good but i was out of town for it :(

  4. i would love to say its going to snow here, but its not. everytime we have a chance it somehow passes us.
